Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Homecook Meal Collection

These are some of the Cookery Books that I had purchased over the past few months. Some of it I have read from the public Library and I find that it is a good keeper as future reference.

Grab at outside one of the NTUC store @ S$9.00 and it consists a lot of wonderful soup that I would like to give it a try when I am free. They have pretty good explanation of the ingredients used too. This book is written by one of the famous TV chef, "FANG TAI".

Other than the above "FANG TAI" soup book, I also grab another one which force more of using Chinese Herbs to neutralise our body health.

Personally I love this book which consists of a lot of attractive photos which is the main consideration for me when purchasing a cookery book. The steps are pretty easy to follow and they have all kinds of dishes with different kind of fish as the main ingredient.

This book come together as the same publisher as the one fish book above. They have interesting western dishes that required short baking time and each dish has their unique taste and presentation.

I have never tried using our normal rice cooker to whip up other dishes other than the Yam & Cabbage Pork Belly Rice which my dad used to make for us when we are young. So when I saw this cookbook, I am very keen and interested to try out those dishes using rice cooker.

Bought this at the Popular book clearance for S$5.00. I love the presentation of the dishes and their nutrition value of the grain rice but then I find it a bit difficult to find some of those special grain mentioned in Singapore stores. Posted by Picasa

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